Sunday 3 July 2022

Mashatu - Day 2 PM (Cheetah Special)

As we were heading out of camp this afternoon Daniel had told us of a sighting of 6 cheetahs; Mum and 5 cubs, 4 male and 1 female and of course we all readily agreed to head off in search.  

It only took about 15 mins to locate the cheetahs, bit of a rubbish photo but the only one I have of all 6.

The coalition (yes, that's the collective term) didn't seem in any hurry to move or be remotely interested in our presence, so we stayed almost an hour and as you can imagine I took far too many photos. The images are in chronological order, taken on two cameras from different positions and with minimal editing (apart from one).  I've also tried to be selective to show different behaviours.

What a magnificent set of teeth!

This looks like a mirror image.

I love this, looks like he's just sitting with his toys.

Shame I couldn't move slightly to get some separation between the tree and his nose.

By now the sun had gone down so these aren't quality but I never would have got anything with the old camera so I'm well pleased.

I loved the light on the belly fur.

I hope we get to see them again.